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歡迎來到同德Welcome to TDHS




前身為培英商工,西元1989年 4 月董事會全面改組,由國立彰化師範大學輔導系出身的教育家謝招宏先生擔任董事長,經過歷屆校長之努力用心經營,學生人數成長,陸續增建實習大樓及更新各項設備,餐旅觀光大樓於2010年落成啟用,2011年修建圖書館,2012年初修建美容實習教室,2013年完成增建食品大樓並整修行政大樓,積極建設理想教學園地,使學生在優良學習環境中輕鬆學習、快樂學習,培養技術、學藝、品德兼優的國家人才。






  • 高中部:普通科
  • 高職部: 
    • 正規班:餐飲管理科、觀光事業科、食品科、烘焙科、流通管理科、多媒體動畫科、時尚造型科、汽車科。
    • 實用技能學程:餐飲技術科、烹調技術科、烘焙食品科、汽車修護科、水電技術科。
    • 建教合作班:設有輪調式餐飲管理科、時尚造型科。
    • 僑生技職專班:汽車科及食品科。
  • 附設職業訓練中心:辦理成人繼續教育及第二專長語文及技能培訓。


TUNGDER Senior High School was founded in 1970. It is located in Caotun Town, Nantou County, Central Taiwan, at the junction with Taichung City. The campus covers an area of ​​about 85,000 square meters. The school has complete building and hardware facilities. There are more than 100 general classrooms and practice classrooms. The classrooms are spacious and elegant. The air conditioning and fiber optic network systems are perfect and popularized. The style of study is actively innovative, pragmatic and professional.

Formerly PEIYING Merchants, the board of directors was completely reorganized in April 1989, and the educator Mr. Hsieh Zhaohong, who was born in the counseling department of National Changhua Normal University, served as chairman. Renovation of various equipment, the restaurant and tourism building was completed and opened in 2010, the library was built in 2011, and the beauty practice classroom was built in early 2012. In 2013, the food building was added and the administrative building was renovated. In the learning environment, it is easy to learn, happy to learn, and cultivate national talents who have excellent technology, art and morals.

In 2018, Ms. Xu Dexiang took over as chairman, undertaking the mission of creating a "technical model" and "creating a new bureau". In 2020, Mr. Tong Jianwen was appointed as the new principal.

There are 155 students and 52 classes with 1930 students.

Currently has:

1 High School: General Department

2 Higher Vocational Departments:

2.1 Regular classes: Food and Beverage Management Division, Tourism Division, Food Division, Baking Division, Distribution Management Division, Multimedia Animation Division, Fashion Modeling Division, Automobile Division.

2.2 Courses of practical skills: catering technology department, cooking technology department, baked food department, auto repair department, and hydropower technology department.

2.3 Cooperative Class for Education and Education: There is a rotation catering management department and a fashion modeling department.

2.4 Specialized technical classes for overseas Chinese students: Automotive and Food.

3 Attached vocational training center: to handle adult continuing education and second specialty language and skills training.

In addition to cultivating more high-quality students to play a role in the society, the future goal is to promote the spirit of education. The teachers and students of the school work together, and the forward-looking and pioneering pragmatic spirit devote more effort to education.




電話: 049-2553109 傳真:049-2554415

地址: 542南投縣草屯鎮中正路培英巷8號

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